LCLAA Stands Against all Actions that Violate Workers' Rights to Unionize

Washington D.C.- Today is troubling for our hermanos and hermanas in Georgia's workforce. Under the guidance of Governor Brian Kemp, the Georgia State Senate is scheduled to vote on S.B. 362, a bill that would prohibit any business receiving state funding from being able to recognize a union, completely violating workers' right to organize and collectively bargain. 

S.B. 362 poses a dire threat to not only workers but their employers as well. Such a bill would severely limit business owners' capacity to how they operate and treat their employees, stifling the economic contributions the Latino labor movement continues to achieve. Without regard for worker and business-oriented priorities, S.B. 362 would jeopardize the future job growth in Georgia. 

Moreover, S.B. 362 would undo longstanding federal provisions that have enabled workers to organize and form unions. Since passing the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, federal mandates have given all private-sector employees the right to unionize, providing them the tools to fight for fair wages, safety protections, and retirement benefits. Challenging that precedent marks Governor Kemp's shameful and abusive ploy and should be immediately condemned.

At a point in which Latino workers have faced disproportionate levels of workplace fatalities, wage theft, and health and safety violations, the passing of S.B. 362 would only worsen those realities. Unionization is the answer to alleviate these abuses, as it has been for the past century. Therefore, I urge you to stand with Latino labor and call your representative to vote no against S.B. 362. You can directly contact the State Senators here.


lclaa expresses concern on the passing of 1105 bill in georgia


LClaa celebrates black history month, honoring labor rights, leaders, activist, and afro latino contributions