Strikesmás is Here!


LCLAA's bi-weekly newsletter | 2 Dec. 2021

¡Llegó #StrikesMás! - It's #StrikesMás!

Dear LCLAA members and allies,


We are on a role! Strikesgiving has turned into StrikesMás, and the AFL-CIO's real time strike map is hopping with strikes and strike authorizations around the country. Remember, you can support fellow unionists and help grow our movement by showing up on the picket line to show your solidarity!


If you are near a striking workplace, be sure to visit the picket line with your LCLAA chapter, union local, or neighborhood to give moral support and supplies to those holding down the picket line. Be sure to contact the point person listed on the strike map to schedule your visit and make sure visitors are welcome.


In solidarity,

President Yanira Merino and the LCLAA staff


Immigration Provisions in

Build Back Better Act Go to the Senate


While falling short of a path to citizenship for most undocumented immigrants the House of Representative's proposed Build Back Better Act would invest $100 billion in asylum and immigration processing and make 7 to 11 million undocumented immigrants eligible for work permits and other documentation. Both provisions, however, are at risk of being changed or scrapped entirely by the Senate. Read LCLAA's statement on the bill.


A Look at How Unions Lift Workers


In a recent article for the American Prospect, labor journalist Steven Greenhouse gets to the core of how unions tangibly help workers--a point often missed in journalism about the labor movement. Click here to read more.


Phoenix Airport Workers on Indefinite Strike


Concessionary workers affiliated with UNITE HERE Local 11 at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport are in the second week of an indefinite strike for fair raises, affordable health insurance, and an employer-sponsored retirement plan, among other things. The worker's inspiring walkout is one of many making up a continuing strike wave. Click here to read more.


Liz Shuler's First 100 Days


Listen to the latest episode of State of the Unions, in which AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler sits down with Emily's List President Laphonza Butler to talk about life as newly elected women leaders as Shuler celebrates her first 100 days. Click here to listen.


Eventos - Events

  • Central Florida LCLAA Toy Drive - 8 December 6pm to 9pm ET
    Will you be attending the Central Florida AFL-CIO Holiday Party? Be sure to support Central Florida LCLAA by bringing toys from children ages 3-14, which will be donated to Orlando Union Rescue Mission.

¡Actúa! - Take Action!

  • Urge Congress to #PassBothBills - Tell Congress to pass the Build Back Better Act, a $1.75 trillion investment in child care, home care, clean energy jobs, health care, tax fairness, immigration improvements and support for worker organizing by signing this petition.

  • Call for comprehensive immigration reform - Did you miss our day of action on immigration? It's not too late to act! You can still use this link to call or write your Senator and advocate for a path to citizenship.

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¿Qué opinas? - What do you think?

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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


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