economic security
Without economic security, Latino/a/x and immigrant workers, families, and communities are unable to meet their basic needs on a regular basis. LCLAA fights to ensure that workplace and governmental policies promote the fiscal well-being of Latino/a/x working families.
our priorities
Resources to Ensure Dignity for Working families: Poverty in the United States is incredibly prevalent due to our country’s systemic inequalities, stagnant wages, and lack of infrastructure to support families nationwide. These factors, along with labor discrimination, cause over 11 million Latinos/as/xs to live in poverty.
This is why LCLAA calls for the following:
Expanding and investing in programs, like Social Security, SSI, SNAP, and unemployment benefits, that have been proven to lift families out of poverty and to improve the health of Latinos/as/xs
Legislation to make such programs more accessible to the communities most in need
Policy reform to expand and protect the eligibility of such programs to residents of Puerto Rico and U.S. territories
Reinstating the expanded child tax credit
Eliminating the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) to promote social security provisions for all workers
Raising the federal minimum wage
Workplace Initiatives for Long-Term Economic Stability: After a lifetime of hard work, all workers deserve to be able to retire with dignity. Yet, almost half of all workers may retire in poverty, and almost 20% of Latino/a/x workers over 65 years of age live below the poverty line.
This is why LCLAA calls for the following:
Federal investment in government pension funds for workers
Structural reform to improve the sustainability of Social Security
More employers to offer employer-matching contributions to retirement plans
Strengthening and creating new programs and initiatives that promote the use of 401(k)-type and pension plans by employers and small businesses
Our work
advocating for the paycheck fairness act _____
funding for Affordable Connectivity Program
Pay Equity in Government wide Pay Systems
Investment in Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Resolution 1: A Fair and Just Criminal Justice System
Resolution 9: Full Enfranchisement of the Working Class
Resolution 12: Making Election Day a Federal Holiday
Resolution 22: Expanding LCLAA’s National Constitutional Language to Include the Words “Indigenous” and “Afro-Latino”
Resolution 24: Land Acknowledgment at all National LCLAA and affiliated Chapter Meetings
Resolution 25: Protecting Union Jobs and Food Access in Communities of Color
Resolution 6: LCLAA Demands the Passing of the For the People Act (HR1/ S1) and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act (S 4263) and Reaffirms its Commitment to the Peoples Resolution