As part of our advocacy, LCLAA publishes reports on topics and policies of consequence to Latino workers.

Latino Workers and Unions: A Strategic Partnership for America's Success

Puerto Rico: The Importance of Union Solidarity

The Impact of Covid-19 on Latinos in the US

Latino Workers and Unions: A Strategic Partnership for America's Progress

Unions and Latinos: A Strategic Partnership for America's Progress

Trabajadoras: Challenges and Conditions of Latina Workers

Latino Workers in the United States
Reports by Partners & Allies
#MeToo 5 years later: Progress & Pitfalls in State Workplace Anti-Harassment Laws (2022), National Women’s Law Center
More Than Solidarity: How Labor Unions Preserved Latino Jobs (2021), UCLA Latino Politics and Policy Initiative
Pandemic Inequity: Latinas and the Covid-19 Experience (2021), American Association of University Women