project 2025:
Understanding the Playbook to Dismantle our Communities
What IS project 2025?
Project 2025 is a comprehensive blueprint designed to guide the next conservative administration. At its core is a 900-page policy document titled “Mandate for Leadership 2025: The Conservative Promise,” which outlines a detailed agenda aimed at dismantling aspects of the administrative state and restoring conservative values. This initiative includes a comprehensive policy framework, a 180-day action plan for the new presidential administration, and recommendations for potential administration personnel and their training. Project 2025 outlines extensive recommendations for all areas of the federal government that, if implemented, have dangerous and damaging implications for people of color and minority communities.
For this reason, The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) is providing this concise analysis of key points that will directly impact our community. We urge you to read this analysis and join us in opposing these draconian measures designed to revert our communities to a time when they were disenfranchised and sidelined, minimizing our contributions as a people. Download our full guide. Descargue la guía en Español.

Union Workers and Protections
Environmental and Climate Justice
Retirement and Senior Health Care
Women and Reproductive Rights
LGBTQ+ Rights
The Pledge