Be Prepare to Vote
Register to Vote
Your vote is your power! By registering to vote, you're taking a stand for your community, your future, and the issues that matter most to you.
Pledge to Vote
Make a difference in our community by pledging to vote in the upcoming election. Your pledge is a promise to stand up for your rights.
Comprométase a Votar
Haz la diferencia en nuestra comunidad comprometiéndote a votar en las próximas elecciones.
Check Your Registration
Make sure your voter registration is up to date so you can participate in the next election without any issues.
Request a Ballot
Whether you're voting by mail or in person, having your ballot ready ensures your voice will be heard. Don’t wait.
Early Vote
By voting early, you help reduce lines on Election Day, support safe and accessible voting, and guarantee that your vote counts.
Find Your Polling Place
Know where to go when it’s time to vote. Finding your polling place is essential to ensure a smooth voting experience.
Voting ID Laws
Understanding voting ID laws is crucial to ensure your vote counts. Check the requirements in your state.
Voting Rights
Know your rights and ensure you can vote confidently and securely. It's essential for protecting the integrity of our democracy