LCLAA celebrates dia de las madres


LCLAA's Bi-weekly Newsletter | April 21, 2022

LCLAA Celebrates Día de la madre

Dear LCLAA members and allies,


Many of us know or were raised by strong, working Latina mothers - women who nurtured us, guided us and provided for us. Working mothers make up a large portion of our workforce, with well over 23 million mothers working full-time.


And yet, even though we rely on mothers, many employers fail to provide working conditions that would make it easier for more women to stay part of the workforce. Less than one in four workers have access to paid family leave and fewer workers have employer provided child-care. And because of this, during the pandemic we saw a large portion of women leaving their jobs. 


LCLAA will always work to improve the rights and conditions of Latina workers. We wish all the hard working moms a happy Mother’s Day. We recognize all your efforts - for your family, for your work, and for LCLAA.


Yanira Merino

LCLAA National President


Amazon's Worker Union Lost in NYC. Where does it go from here?


The momentum from the first vote to unionize at an Amazon warehouse has stalled as the second warehouse has voted against unionizing. The grassroots movement which worked  to organize the warehouse is proud of their efforts and are now looking forward to continuing the movement. Read the full article.


Unions Win Final Passage of Connecticut
"Captive Audience" Ban


Connecticut becomes the second state to pass legislation in both the State’s Senate and House banning captive audience meetings. Governor Ned Lamont is expected to sign the bill to help protect workers across the state from being forced to attend meetings that violate their rights as workers.  Read the full article.



Op-Ed: Extremists Are Using Lies to Undermine
America's Public Schools

Undermining public education and spreading misinformation are preventing the real issues with education from being addressed. Our youths need to be protected and policymakers should be working to promote and improve public education. Read the full article.


¡Actúa! - Take Action!

Support labor standards for 2026 World Cup: The AFL-CIO is calling on FIFA to commit to minimum labor standards and to prioritize labor and human rights for the 2026 World Cup, held in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Sign the petition and join the movement to protect workers who make the World Cup possible.


Support Building a Better America: The Building a Better America plan puts working families first by protecting worker organizing, penalizing companies that violate workers’ rights to come together and  by investing in clean energy jobs in the United States. Sign the petition and tell your Senators to pass Building a Better America now.


Support the DC Domestic Workers Bill of Rights: Domestic work is one of the most important and fastest growing jobs in the country, yet it is some of the most unprotected and vulnerable work, excluded from basic labor rights and protections and primarily done by women of color and immigrants. Click here to sign the petition. 


Support Low-Paid Families with the Build Back Better Act: Email your Representatives to support the Build Back Better Act, a federal bill would address a number of issues affecting women and families across the country in the wake of COVID-19, by lowering the cost of child care, creating new jobs, allowing parents to get back to work, and more. Click here to Take Action!



Eventos - Events

May 14: Central Florida LCLAA and Florida Rising is holding a Osceola County Housing Crisis Workshop, aimed at helping those affected by rising rent prices and evictions. See information Below.


May 14: Central Florida LCLAA is holding a National Letters Carriers Association Food Drive, collecting non-perishable donations.  Read more about it here.


Eventos Pasado - Past Events

At the beginning of April LCLAA Pacific Northwest (PNW) launched its new chapter!

This last weekend many of our chapters stood alongside immigrant workers, marching and rallying throughout the country in honor of May Day. LCLAA members showed that united our voices will not be silenced and we will not let Immigrant workers be excluded!


Salud, Dinero y Amor

Five Things You Should Know About Dental Coverage and Medicare

Dental coverage is essential for health and it’s important to know your coverage. Learn more about what Medicare covers and how to find the best plan for you. Read more here.


How to Track Your Federal Tax Refund 

Tax season just passed. Learn how to keep track of your federal tax refund and common reasons for delays. Read more here.


Older Black and Hispanic Americans Feel Discrimination by Health Providers 

One in four Black and Hispanic Americans have felt discriminated against by health care professionals. Without getting proper treatment, their health is suffering and it is time to improve health equity. Read more here.



Oportunidades - Opportunities

Advocacy, Communications and Policy Internship Program:LCLAA’s Internship Program is project-oriented and will expose you to administrative, communications, research, and legislative advocacy work in our daily operations. Through this internship, you will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills like political organizing, writing and public speaking, event planning and team management. For more information email 


Opportunities at the Solidarity Center:

The Solidarity Center is the largest U.S. based international worker rights organization partnering directly with workers and their unions. The organization is driven to empower workers to raise their voice for dignity on the job, justice in their communities and greater equality in the global community. 


Communications Officer, based in Mexico City. Apply here. 

Procurement Officer, based in Mexico City. Apply here. 

Program Officer (USDOL), based in Mexico City. Apply here

Project Director, based in Mexico City. Apply here. 


Program Officer for Mexico (Level II), based in Washington, DC. Apply here.

Program Officer for Mexico (Level III), based in Washington, DC. Apply here. 

Project Accountant for Mexico, based in Washington DC. Apply here.


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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


Saddened by Buffalo Shooting


Remembering Workers killed & Fighting for workers now