Los Angeles Chapter standing in solidarity with workers in Mexico
Los Angeles Chapter standing in solidarity with workers in Mexico during their unionizing efforts.
LOS ANGELES - LCLAA members no matter the distance will make sure to join other members in the fight for representation among the million dollar companies that exploit their workers. LCLAA members along with other local unions in the U.S went to Silao, Guanajuato to support and stand in solidarity with workers during their historic vote at GM.
SINTTIA is a union that was founded recently last year in Siloa, Guanajuato. Their goal is to symbolize GM people and negotiate a brand new collective employment agreement. This year SINTTIA has the opportunity to set a labor democracy in Mexico, which is why LCLAA is besides them making sure they represent the thousands of workers whose voices have been shut down in the past year with corrupt and unjust elections.
Find out whether there is a strike near you where you can show your solidarity using the AFL-CIO’s strike map.