LCLAA on Racially Motivated Shooting in Buffalo, New York

Media Statement

May 17, 2022

Contact: Diane Harris, Communications and Policy Associate | (202) 315-8238

Washington, DC –  In 2018, a white man with antisemitic views opened fire inside a Pittsburgh synagogue. A year later, another white man, hoping to kill Mexicans, gunned down individuals at an El Paso Walmart. 

This weekend this familiar story played out again. We saw a man, self described as a white supremacist, take fire in a grocery store in an area known for its large Black population.   

LCLAA is appalled by both his actions and by his racist, dangerous, and misled belief that Black individuals and immigrants are seeking to replace white Americans. 

We send our deepest condolences to the family, friends, and the entire community who are suffering an unimaginable loss due to the actions of one racist individual. 


The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) is the leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families. LCLAA was born in 1972 out of the need to educate, organize and mobilize Latinos in the labor movement and has expanded its influence to organize Latinos in an effort to impact workers' rights and their influence in the political process. LCLAA represents the interest of more than 2 million Latino workers in the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), The Change to Win Federation, Independent Unions and all its membership. Visit LCLAA on the web at, on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.


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