LCLAA Applauds the Inclusion of Immigration Reform and Other Critical Policies in the Build Back Better Framework

October 28, 2021

Contact: Pablo Stein | (202) 508-6989


WASHINGTON –  LCLAA applauds the inclusion of a $100 billion of funding in immigration reform and transformative investments in childcare, healthcare, and environmental justice in the Build Back Better Framework that the White House released this morning. If enacted, the framework’s policies are sure to create countless well-paying, middle class jobs and lift millions of Latino workers out of poverty. The plan would also reverse decades of anti-worker tax policy by ensuring that large employers pay their fair share and ending rewards for corporations that shift jobs and profits overseas.

Among the framework’s most impactful provisions are the expansion of the Child Tax Credit and the unprecedented funding of child care for middle and working class families. In the wake of Latina Equal Pay Day, LCLAA members are encouraged to see a policy that directly tackles the lack of childcare access, which is a major structural contributor to the pay gap. LCLAA further applauds the inclusion of monumental investments in environmental justice and expanded access to public healthcare, which will help us transition to a green and caring economy built with union labor.

In the coming weeks, LCLAA will closely monitor the development of the Build Back Better Agenda in Congress and advocate for its passage so that thousands of Latino workers and their families can rebuild their lives and enjoy economic stability in the wake of the pandemic.


The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) is the leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families. LCLAA was born in 1972 out of the need to educate, organize and mobilize Latinos in the labor movement and has expanded its influence to organize Latinos in an effort to impact workers’ rights and their influence in the political process. LCLAA represents the interest of more than 2 million Latino workers in the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), The Change to Win Federation, independent unions and all their affiliate unions. Visit LCLAA on the web at, on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.


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