Civic participation is key

Civic Participation is Key


Dear LCLAA members,


As we approach Election Day, we want to remind all LCLAA members and the labor movement of the importance of fulfilling the responsibility of casting our vote in the upcoming elections.


One year before the next presidential elections, and just a few days before local elections, the worker’s movement is carrying out numerous strikes around the country. We haven’t seen this kind of demonstration in years. 


This shows us that there is still a lot of work to do to ensure that we have better working conditions, decent, fair and equitable salaries, which ensure a decent life for our families. But it should also motivate us to use the most powerful weapon that citizens and workers have: vote.


The results of these elections can directly impact issues that concern our families such as reproductive rights and climate change. To be able to continue advancing, growing, participating and generating the necessary and beneficial changes for our communities and for all workers movements we all have to exercise our right to vote.


In solidarity


Evelyn DeJesus

National President of LCLAA



La Participación Ciudadana es Clave


A medida que nos acercamos al día de las elecciones, queremos recordar a todos los miembros de LCLAA y al movimiento de los trabajadores, la importancia de cumplir con la responsabilidad de emitir nuestro voto en las próximas elecciones. 


A un año de que se celebren las siguientes elecciones presidenciales y a pocos días de las elecciones locales, hemos visto que los trabajadores alrededor del país están realizando huelgas, que no veíamos en años. 


Esto nos demuestra que aún hay mucho trabajo por hacer para lograr que tengamos mejores condiciones laborales, sueldos dignos, justos y equitativos, que aseguren una vida digna para nuestras familias. Pero también, nos debe motivar a utilizar el arma más poderosa que tienen los ciudadanos y los trabajadores: el voto. 


Los resultados de estas elecciones pueden impactar de manera directa en temas que preocupan a nuestras familias como el de los derechos reproductivos y el cambio climático y para poder seguir avanzando, creciendo, participando y generando los cambios necesarios y de beneficio para nuestras comunidades y para el movimiento de los trabajadores tenemos  todos que ejercer nuestro derecho al voto. 

En solidaridad


Evelyn DeJesus 

Presidenta Nacional de LCLAA

Listen to the Latest


In this episode of El Cafecito del Día, we talk about the initiative opportunity for all campaign. Alongside our guest Carlos Alarcon, from UCLA, we address key points about the need of a state-level initiative that allows job hiring for undocumented students and discussions that raise awareness among the immigrant community about the importance of creating opportunities and alternative plans to the immigration reform that have not yet been materialized.


Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!

Shout Outs

Congratulations to our Trabajadoras Fellows for completing their Fellowship program. The program was established to empower Latina workers by providing them with the knowledge and experience they need to become gender equity and labor movement leaders! 



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Por Si No Lo Has Visto




El Avance is published by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), the leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families. Since its inception in 1972, LCLAA has remained a grassroots organization driven and directed by Latino labor leaders who understand the importance of unionization in helping workers secure rights and protections on the job, empowering them to become voices for justice and change in their communities. To help us continue our support for workers, please consider donating to LCLAA and becoming a member. Thank you!


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