It’s better in a union

It's Better in a Union


Queridos hermanos y hermanas,


As Labor Day approaches, we honor the incredible contributions of Latino workers across the nation. From fields to factories, hospitals to classrooms, construction sites to small businesses, Latino workers have played a pivotal role in building and sustaining our communities.


Their hard work, resilience, and dedication have been the backbone of progress and prosperity. As we celebrate these achievements, it is crucial to remember that they were not easily won. The rights and protections we enjoy today are the result of decades of struggle, sacrifice, and solidarity.


Unions have been a driving force behind the protection of workers' rights, becoming an essential part of the labor movement. Through their tireless efforts, unions have secured fair wages, safe working conditions, and the dignity that every worker deserves.


Unions have stood as a powerful force for justice, giving a voice to the voiceless and power to the powerless. The history of labor rights is intertwined with the history of unions, and their continued presence is vital to ensuring that these hard-won gains are not eroded.


This is the time to protect our rights and all the achievements made by unions in defending all workers. Let's make our voices hear at the polls on Election Day. 


On Labor Day, let's renew our commitment to the labor movement, stand in solidarity with Latino workers, and fight to ensure that their contributions are recognized, respected, and rewarded. Juntos somos más fuertes, let's remember: It's Better in a Union. 


¡Feliz Día del Trabajo!

In Solidarity,

Evelyn DeJesus 

LCLAA National President

Listen to the Latest

Unionizing at Amazon

In this new episode of El Cafecito del Día, we explore the journey and the challenges faced by workers who created the Amazon Labor Union (ALU). Join us as we uncover the power of solidarity and the impact of collective action in the workplace, while they achieve the fight for better working conditions and fair treatment and become an inspiration for the documentary Union. .  Spotify, Apple Podcast and More!

Defend and Protect Democracy

Become a Poll Worker and Support Democracy

With the November election around the corner, LCLAA is committed to empowering and uplifting the Latino voice through our Empower 2024 campaign. We encourage you to take action by continuing to participate in voter mobilization efforts. Our partners at Power the Polls have emphasized the importance and need for poll workers—especially bilingual and tech-savvy workers, as they play a crucial role in ensuring accessible and secure elections for all. Use or share this link to sign up as a poll worker: today! For more in depth information on where poll workers are needed, click here.

Take Action 

Project 2025 is a comprehensive blueprint designed to guide the next conservative administration and outlines a detailed agenda aimed at dismantling aspects of the administrative state and restoring conservative values.

We cannot wait until Election Day to stand up against Project 2025 to prevent it from taking root in our nation. Our fight to defend Democracy and our Future starts Now! Sign The Pledge Here!


La Voz de los Trabajadores de Puerto Rico


In partnership with the AFL-CIO, LCLAA is conducting a crucial study to understand the challenges faced by workers on the island, the factors driving migration, and the support needed to ensure the prosperity of all workers. Help us by completing this survey and sharing it with your Puerto Rican friends, family, and colleagues, both on the island and in the diaspora. Your participation will make a difference!

Access the survey HERE. 


Sí se puede Awards


Save the date to celebrate with LCLAA Los Angeles Chapter at the Sí Se Puede Awards. Join us in honoring Labor and Union, and representative leaders and supporting our work. Stay connected for more details to come. 



Por Si No Lo Has Visto

Segunda Reunión con Trabajadores de Puerto Rico


LCLAA joined the launching of the "Defendiendo Nuestro Futuro, Latinos Against Project 2025" campaign to warn and mobilize Latino communities about the imminent dangers and impact posed by this proposal.


On a press call LCLAA National President, Evelyn DeJesus with representatives of the SEIU, America’s Voice, People’s Action, Poder Latinx, UnidosUS Action Fund, and Latino Victory Foundation, highlighted the significance of the bilingual campaign to educate and inform Latino voters on the consequences of Project 2025 and the disturbing policy proposals it has precipitated across the country.


To access the recored press call visit HERE. 

To read El Nuevo Día's Spanish article, visit HERE.

Read the Axios' Report HERE. 





El Avance is published by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), the leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families. Since its inception in 1972, LCLAA has remained a grassroots organization driven and directed by Latino labor leaders who understand the importance of unionization in helping workers secure rights and protections on the job, empowering them to become voices for justice and change in their communities. To help us continue our support for workers, please consider donating to LCLAA and becoming a member. Thank you!


honoring the Latino heritage


get informed and prepare to vote