El Avance: LCLAA on a New Year and a New Membership Drive

LCLAA on a New Year and a New Membership Drive

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


Every year we take the new calendar as a chance to pause and reflect, digest the previous year's lessons, and put ourselves in the best position to flourish. In 2023 we are determined here at LCLAA to address the challenges and obstacles that Latino working families are still forced to face. The Latina pay gap still persists. Immigration pathways continue to be under attack, and union busting is rampant. 


We cannot successfully challenge any of this without the support and solidarity of our labor family. With this in mind, LCLAA has launched its 2023 Membership Drive and are asking all chapters to recruit 50 new members. 


Through this and your consistent support, we seek to push and challenge ourselves to increase our membership and empower our organization as we strive to meet our mission. If you have any questions or want to learn more, please contact our Chapter Development & Field Coordinator, Cristina Barillas, at cbarillas@lclaa.org


As we move forward in 2023, I want to extend my gratitude. Our accomplishments and our impact are the product of our collective efforts, and LCLAA could not be where it is today without your dedication. 


Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA

Listen to the Latest!


Every four years the world tunes in to watch the FIFA World Cup and while the brilliant game continues to entertain millions, the 2022 World Cup has been surrounded by controversy, taking place in a nation that lacks LGBTQ+, women’s, and labor rights. In this episode, we discuss and learn about the labor violations that took place as Qatar prepared to host this year’s tournament and we speak to labor leaders to discuss the efforts that are taking place as preparation ramps up for the 2026 FIFA World Cup in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. List on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more.


Chapter Shoutout!


A huge shoutout to our Chicago and Central Florida Chapters for their successful events over the past few weeks.


Upcoming Events

Find out more information about the LCLAA events here!


January 6: Join LCLAA National at our Día de Reyes celebration and Office Ribbon Cutting Event!


January 8: Join LCLAA Pittsburgh as they celebrate Día de Reyes!


Take Action

Help Workers in Crisis: Donate to the Jobs With Justice Solidarity Fund Today. Click here to donate.



Unions Jobs Clearinghouse: A one-stop website for open positions in unions and socially allied organizations and community organizations. Check out opportunities here.


Jobs with Justice: Jobs with Justice is hiring for various positions across the country. Check out opportunities here.


Salud, Amor y Dinero

Por qué las mujeres corren mayor riesgo de tener la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Casi dos tercios de las personas en los Estados Unidos que viven con la enfermedad de Alzheimer son mujeres. Las mujeres de sesenta años son dos veces más propensas a padecer de Alzheimer que el cáncer de seno. Aprende más aquí.

AARP Fraud Watch Network

Use AARP’s Fraud Watch Network to learn and report scams in your area. 


Volunteer Programs: Give back back to your community through one of these various volunteer opportunities with AARP.



Y Por Si No Lo Has Visto

CBS News: U.S. proposes hiking fees for work-related immigration application to fund asylum program. Read more here.


NPR: Video game testers approve the first union at Microsoft. Read more here.


Boston Globe: Massachusetts teachers union push for the right to strike. Read more here.


Los Angeles Times: Los trabajadores de California tendrán nuevas protecciones en 2023. Esto es lo que hay que saber. Lee más aquí. 


The San Diego Union-Tribune: Llega 2023 sin reforma migratoria y con crisis humanitaria en la frontera. Lee más aquí.


Download the LCLAA App

Use the buttons below or the QR code to download the LCLAA app and get our latest news delivered to your phone on a daily basis.



Use the button above to submit news, events, and shout-outs from your area.

The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


LCLAA on the Administration’s Push and Pull with Immigration


lclaa on being #unionstrong DURING the holidays