lclaa on being #unionstrong DURING the holidays

LCLAA on being #UnionStrong during the Holidays

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


This past Friday I had the honor to join mi gente as part of the nationwide organizing event “Stand Up! Against Starbucks Corporate Bullies.”  It was incredibly moving to see a young group of workers from a small storefront in Arlington realize that through solidarity and community organizing they have the power to challenge one of America’s largest corporate giants. 


Speakers throughout the night reminded us that this holiday season we have to keep in mind workers – workers that are unionized and workers who are in the process of unionizing. None of us can afford to weaken their work by crossing the picket line. 


We have to stand with our labor family, shop union made, and support unionized businesses. If we can’t stand in solidarity this holiday season, we don’t deserve its benefits. 


In solidarity, 


Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA

Listen to the Latest!


Every four years the world tunes in to watch the FIFA World Cup and while the brilliant game continues to entertain millions, the 2022 World Cup has been surrounded by controversy, taking place in a nation that lacks LGBTQ+, women’s, and labor rights. In this episode, we discuss and learn about the labor violations that took place as Qatar prepared to host this year’s tournament and we speak to labor leaders to discuss the efforts that are taking place as preparation ramps up for the 2026 FIFA World Cup in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. List on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more.


Chapter Shoutout!


A huge shoutout to our Los Angeles, Chicago, and DC Metro Chapters for their successful events over the past few weeks.


Upcoming Events

Find out more information about the LCLAA events here!


December 17: Join LCLAA DC Metro, IUPAT, and DC Jobs with Justice at their monthly Women in Construction meeting


December 18: Join LCLAA Long Island at their table at the Suffolk County Winter Wonderland event


Take Action

Donate to support union members in need! Help support the American Federation of Musicians members in need. Click here to donate.



Unions Jobs Clearinghouse: A one-stop website for open positions in unions and socially allied organizations and community organizations. Check out opportunities here. 


AFL-CIO: Hiring for various positions. Check out opportunities here.


Salud, Amor y Dinero

Las nuevas investigaciones sobre el Alzheimer ahora se concentran el los latinos. Los científicos intensifican los esfuerzos para comprender y tratar el mayor riesgo de demencia que tienen los hispanos.

7 Secrets of Retirement ‘Super Savers’ 

The following seven habits can help Americans save for their retirements and their futures. 


Volunteer Programs: Give back back to your community through one of these various volunteer opportunities with AARP. 


Y Por Si No Lo Has Visto

Washington Post: Starbucks workers strike on ‘Red Cup Day’ over stalled labor talks. Read more here. 


Guardian: New York Times journalists in mass strike for first time in 40 years. Read more here.  


BBC: Rail strike is canceled - at the cost of paid sick leave. Read more here.


La Opinion: La Igualdad Salarial Latina Requiere Reflexión, Alianza y Acción. Lee más aquí.


Enlace Latino NC: Un estudio asegura que las cifras de trabajadores latinos que mueren a causa de accidentes de trabajo es más altas que otros grupos. Lee más aquí.


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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


El Avance: LCLAA on a New Year and a New Membership Drive


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