LCLAA Calls for equal pay for working mothers

LCLAA Calls for Equal Pay for Working Mothers

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


Throughout the year LCLAA joins our sisters, brothers, siblings, and allies to remind employers that equal work deserves equal pay. LCLAA has played a key role in this fight, constantly campaigning, helping to narrow pay disparities for all workers. Yet, mothers still only earn 75 cents for every dollar a father earns. To be paid what men were paid in 2021, mothers would have had to work an additional nine months, until this very day, September 8th. 

Latina mothers would have to work even longer, three more months, well into December, to receive the same pay. We face one of the worst pay gaps in the country, earning only 46 cents for every dollar a White, non-Latino man earns. There is no reason why a section of our workforce, especially one so prevalent, should be subjected to pay discrimination. 

The current labor standards are failing this nation’s 23 million employed mothers. Most jobs lack necessary support for working moms - paid family and medical leave, childcare opportunities or subsidies, flexible schedules - and continue to look down on women who take time off to care for their families. 

On Mom’s Equal Pay Day, LCLAA recommits itself to paying workers equally for equal work. I urge every single LCLAA member to spread the word about the union difference and how unions and collective bargaining agreements combat pay discrimination. I urge every single one of you to ask yourself, how is your union protecting the mothers in your membership? And I urge all of you to take it upon yourself to consider how your employer is an ally in this fight.


In Solidarity,

Yanira Merino

National President of LCLAA


Upcoming SOLD OUT 50th Anniversary Gala

LCLAA National invites all of our members to LCLAA's 50th Anniversary Gala on September 28, 2022, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. Our Gala would not be possible without our sponsors. Thank you to AARP, Labor CU, Ullico, UA, IW, IBEW, AFSCME, LiUNA, IAM, ATU, UMWA and IUBAC for your commitment to supporting and growing the Latino labor movement! For more information, check out our website.


LCLAA National invita a todos nuestros miembros a la Gala del 50 Aniversario de LCLAA el 28 de septiembre de 2022 en el Hotel Mayflower en Washington, D.C. Nuestra gala no sería posible sin nuestros patrocinadores. ¡Gracias a AARP, Labor CU, Ullico, UA, IW, IBEW, AFSCME, LiUNA, IAM, ATU, UMWA y IUBAC por su compromiso de apoyar y hacer crecer el movimiento laboral latino! Para más información, Échale un vistazo a nuestro sitio web.


Listen to the Latest!


Sam Amato worked at Starbucks for 13 years before he was fired in retaliation for organizing his store. After watching management fire him, Sam’s coworkers immediately walked out on strike. In Miami Springs, Christian Miranda leadership led to the second Starbucks union win. Hear from Sam Amato and Christian Miranda, two Starbucks union leaders about their fight for better wages and living conditions. El Cafecito is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Podbean!


Chapter Shoutout!


Shoutout to the PNW, Central Florida, Pittsburgh, and Los Angeles chapters for their successful Labor Day events!


Upcoming Events

September 10: NYC Labor Day Parade and March. Click here for more information. 

September 11: 26th Chicago Street Mexican Independence Day Parade. Click here for more information.

September 17: LCLAA Los Angeles’ Si Se Puede Awards. Click here for more information.

October 7: NYC LCLAA 2022 Labor Celebration and Dinner Dance. Click here for more information.

October 8 & December 10: LCLAA Central Florida Free Citizenship Clinic in Orlando, FL. Click here for more information.

October 14: ¡Que Viva Clemente! Join LCLAA Pittsburgh and enjoy authentic Puerto Rican Cuisine to close our Hispanic Heritage Month. Click here for more information.


Take Action

Support Detained Labor Strikers at Mesa Verde Detention Facility and Golden State Annex! The GEO Group made over 2.2 billion dollars last year. They pay detained individuals $1 per day to clean the dormitories. Click here to support strikers.


Sign Starbucks Workers United No Contract No Coffee Pledge! Commit to participating in the actions called for by Starbucks Workers United. Click here to sign the pledge.


Pledge to Vote in the 2022 Midterm Elections! Click here to take action and sign LCLAA's pledge.



LCLAA’s Advocacy, Communications and Policy Internship Program: LCLAA’s Internship Program exposes interns to administrative, communications, research, and legislative advocacy work. Interns have the opportunity to develop leadership skills like political organizing, and writing.  For more information email


Unions Jobs Clearinghouse: A one-stop website for open positions in unions and socially allied organizations and community organizations. Check out opportunities here. 


Open Positions at AFSCME Council 20: AFSCME Council 20 is looking for their next Bookkeeper. Read more here


Open Positions at the New York State Nurses Association: Various positions are available. Read more here.


PSLF Waiver Offers Way to Get Closer to Loan Forgiveness: For a limited time, Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) borrowers may receive credit for past periods of repayment that would otherwise not qualify for PSLF. Read more here.


Salud, Amor y Dinero

What to Do if You Don’t Have a 401(K) Plan

Thinking about retirement but don’t have a 401(k) plan? Whether you are self-employed or considering an IRA strategy, check out AARP’s financial advice to be best prepared for retirement. 


Ten cuidado: 8 fraudes en auge 

Lea sobre 8 tipos de estafas relativamente nuevas que cada vez son más comunes, además de consejos de expertos para no caer en ellas. Lee la lista de los fraudes emergentes más populares. 


Volunteer with Wish of a Lifetime from AARP

Help make wishes come true for 65+ adults and inspire others with their stories. Learn more here. 


Y Por Si No Lo Has Visto

CNN: Detienen a más de 100 inmigrantes cubanos durante el fin de semana en aguas del sur de Florida. Lee más aquí. 

CÑÑ: Musk desafía a los empleados de Tesla a que se sindicalicen. Lee más aquí.

Washington Post: Unions are on a roll. And they unite a divided nation. Read more here. 

WSWS: Minnesota union calls three-day walkout as 15,000 nurses press for open-ended strike. Read more here. 


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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

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LCLAA Applauds Administration on Partial Student Loan Forgiveness