Reflections on 2021


LCLAA's Bi-weekly Newsletter | 30 Dec. 2021

Reflejando sobre 2021  - Reflections on 2021

Dear LCLAA members and allies,


As we wrap up 2021 and reflect on the year behind us, we LCLAA members have so much to be proud of as activists and supporters of the Latino labor movement. Back in January, when many of us were yet to be vaccinated, few of us could imagine what we would accomplish in this year of rebuilding and recovering.


We started out the year by standing in solidarity with poultry workers in Gainesville, GA, when they suffered an unthinkable tragedy at their workplace that led to the death of six workers and the injury of ten others. Through our support of the accident’s victims, we showed undocumented workers everywhere that their plight is seen and their rights matter.


In the spring, many of our chapters led inspiring campaigns to inform Latino working families about the benefits and safety of the Covid-19 vaccine. Their efforts, which continued throughout the summer, have helped countless workers regain a sense of normality and stay safe in the face of this deadly virus.


By August, LCLAA members were ready to attend our 23rd National Membership Convention in person, marking the first such event our organization has held nationally since the beginning of the pandemic. The Convention gave us a critical opportunity to reaffirm our commitments to working class and Latino-friendly policies. It also allowed us to take into account the impact of the pandemic and prioritize an equitable recovery.


And this fall, we kept the momentum going by advocating for a path to citizenship for undocumented workers and supporting our brothers and sisters on picket lines across the country!


As we celebrate our accomplishments in 2021 however, we must never forget todos los hermanos y las hermanas that we lost this year to the continuing pandemic, to workplace accidents and to other tragedies. In particular, I would like to take a moment to remember the six workers who died in the Gainesville Poultry factory accident in January [workers names, if public]. I also want to remember AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka, who was dear to so many of us in the labor movement, and who’s legacy of support for Latino workers will never be forgotten.


I want to thank all of you, our members and our allies, for your unwavering support of our work and principles. This organization would simply not exist without the dedication of our-rank-and-file members and our dedicated leaders. As we approach our 50th Anniversary, I encourage you to build on the momentum of this year by attending a chapter meeting or event, joining an action in our new newsletter, El Avance, or helping start a chapter near you if there is not already one. And be sure to stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to help grow our movement!


In solidarity,

President Yanira Merino


West Virginia Unions Urge Manchin to

Vote for Build Back Better


West Virginia unions continue to pressure Senator Joe Manchin to return to the negotiating table on the Build Back Better Act, the Biden administration's landmark spending package that would invest in green jobs, healthcare and childcare, among other things. Manchin recently reversed his position on this critical piece of legislation for working people. Read more.


US Pulls Out of Settlement Talks in

Family Separation Suits


The U.S. government withdrew Thursday from settlement negotiations to end lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who were forcibly separated under the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border policy. Read more.


Southern California Sanitation Workers Mobilize


More than 450 sanitation workers at Republic Services’ waste hauling yards in Anaheim and Huntington Beach, CA – members of Teamsters Local 396 (pictured with LCLAA LA members) – ratified new collective bargaining agreements after striking for seven days to protest Republic’s violations of federal labor laws that protect workers’ rights. Read more.


LCLAA Joins Unions, Advocates in Calling for Tax Credits for Union-Made Electric Vehicles


LCLAA recently joined more than 60 labor unions, environmental groups, and faith, consumer, health, and economic justice organizations sent a letter to Senate Democrats urging them to support a bonus tax credit for consumer electric vehicles manufactured in factories where workers are represented by a union. Read more.


Eventos - Events


¡Actúa! - Take Action!


Oportunidades - Opportunities

  • 2022 Dream Summer Fellowship at UCLA - Dream Summer is a national fellowship that empowers immigrant youth and allies to be the next generation of social justice leaders through leadership and professional development, movement building, and on-the-ground experience in social justice organizations. Learn more.

For more labor job and apprenticeship postings, visit the Union Jobs Clearinghouse.


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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


Happy New Year!


LCLAA in the News