LCLAA on Get Out to Vote

LCLAA on Get Out to Vote

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


In less than one week, our country will have selected its next cohort of elected officials, its next session of Members of Congress, and its next wave of local representatives. 


Now is the time for the final push, for the final call to get out to vote, for all LCLAA members to commit to mobilizing their neighbors to vote on November 8th. 


LCLAA was founded on the very notion that Latinos could make social, economic, and political gains through the electoral process. Our founders made strides in this way, but now all their progress is at risk of being undone. Earlier this year we saw for the first time one of our constitutional rights be taken out from under us. Even now our protections like affirmative action are being questioned. 


This weekend it is not enough for us to vote. We must mobilize. We must take this opportunity to encourage our community to elect fair leaders. We must defend the rights we have and we must push for elected officials that will expand them.  If we fail, we risk losing our legal protections and our rights, and cannot afford to lose. 


In solidarity, 


Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA

Listen to the Latest!


Illinois ballots in the November election will include a vote on an amendment to the state's constitution known as the Workers' Rights Amendment, but what does it do and why does it matter? Hear from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Chicago Federation of Labor Don Villar and Jose Alcala, President of Painter's Local 184 and LCLAA’s Chicago Metro Chapter. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podbean, and more!


Chapter Shoutout!


A huge shoutout to our Pittsburgh, Pacific Northwest, Los Angeles, and DC Metro Chapters for their successful events the past few weeks.


Upcoming Events

November 22: Join LCLAA Los Angeles at Ford & Wallach's 9th Annual Turkey and Food Distribution. Click here for more information.


December 8: Join LCLAA Central Florida for their Annual Christmas Toy Drive. Click here for more information. 


December 10: Join LCLAA Central Florida for their Free Citizenship Clinic. Click here for more information.  


Take Action

Sign LCLAA’s Pledge to Vote. We all have the power to make a difference. Voting in our local, state, and national elections can have an immediate impact in our communities. Click here to sign the pledge. 


Comprométase a votar en las elecciones. Todos tenemos el poder de hacer una diferencia. Votar en las elecciones locales, estatales y nacionales puede tener un impacto inmediato en nuestras comunidades. Haga clic aquí para comprometerse. 

Donate to support union members in need! Help support American Federation of Musicians members in need. Click here to donate.



LCLAA’s Advocacy, Communications and Policy Internship Program: LCLAA’s Internship Program exposes interns to administrative, communications, research, and legislative advocacy work. Interns have the opportunity to develop leadership skills like political organizing, and writing.  For more information email

Unions Jobs Clearinghouse: A one-stop website for open positions in unions and socially allied organizations and community organizations. Check out opportunities here. 

Field Organizing Specialist at the Solidarity Center: The Solidarity Center is looking for a seasoned bilingual and bicultural union organizer to provide organizing support and counsel to Solidarity Center partners and leaderships in Mexico. Apply here. 

Apply for Federal Student Loan Debt Relief: The Federal government launched a beta version of its application for Federal Student Loan Debt Relief. Apply here.


Salud, Amor y Dinero

Inscripción abierta de Medicare: todo lo que necesitas saber: El período de inscripción abierta de Medicare comienza cada año el 15 de octubre y termina el 7 de diciembre. Puedes hacer cambios que serán registrados el año siguiente.


Your Inflation Cheat Sheet: During the first half of 2022 we saw sharp increases in the costs of everyday items as well as the consumer price index. Here are answers to some of people’s most pressing questions about what just happened and what might happen next.


Volunteer Programs: Give back back to your community through one of these various volunteer opportunities with AARP. 


Y Por Si No Lo Has Visto

CNN Español: Estos son los 6 estados a los que hay que prestar atención en las elecciones intermedias en EE.UU. Lee más aquí.


LA Times: Amazon suspende a por lo menos 50 empleados tras protesta. Lee mas aqui.

El Tiempo Latino: EE UU cambió el proceso de naturalización para migrantes discapacitados. Lee más aquí.

Roll Call: What’s next for staffer unions on the Hill? Read more here


El Diario: Forman el segundo sindicato de empleados en una tienda Apple de Oklahoma. Lee más aquí.

AFT: Which side are you on? Read more here.


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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


lclaa calls for continued immigration reform


LCLAA urges you to vote