LCLAA urges you to vote

LCLAA Urges You to Vote

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


I am sure you are all flooded with call after call, email after email, letter after letter, asking you to register to vote or asking for your vote. I have to remind you there is purpose behind these calls. There is a reason why political organizations, campaigns, and advocacy organizations and the like bombard you. 


They, like myself, know how important your voice is. They know they need your support. In fact, their success depends on it. So I urge you, once again, to not only recognize your power but to tap into it. 


Make a plan to vote this November to stand for your values, to stand for your community, and to stand for Latino workers nationwide. Do not let this moment pass without you. Take this opportunity to use your power and to join our pledge and commit to vote in this crucial election. 


In solidarity, 

Yanira Merino 


National President of LCLAA


Donate to LCLAA's Hurricane Relief Efforts!


We are devastated by the destruction and loss caused by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. We are asking our members to donate to LCLAA to support our hurricane relief efforts. Make your donation here! Hear from our fellow brothers and sisters at the Federación De Trabajadores, AFL-CIO in Puerto Rico, and learn about the impact of Hurricane Fiona here.


Listen to the Latest!


Did you know that undocumented folks can benefit from the higher wages, benefits, and protections that come with a union contract? In this episode, we interview AFL-CIO Immigration and Labor specialist and break down deferred action and other legal protections granted to undocumented folks that speak out against unfair working conditions! El Cafecito is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Podbean!


Chapter Shoutout!


We congratulate LCLAA NYC on their 16th Annual Labor Celebration & Dinner Dance, LCLAA Central Florida on attending a Pride Parade, LCLAA Pittsburgh for tabling at a Latin America and Caribbean Festival, and LCLAA Sacramento for their participation in a rally in support of Mesa Verde Immigration Detainees!


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events 

October 21: Join LCLAA PNW for their Dia de los Muertos Celebration! Click here to register. 

October 26: Join LCAA Milwaukee Area Chapter for their Trunk or Treat celebration! Learn more here.

October 30: Join DC Metro LCLAA for their Dia de los Muertos event. Learn more at this link. 

October 21: Join LCLAA PNW for their Dia de los Muertos Celebration! Click here to register.

October 27: Join LCLAA San Antonio Membership Mixer! Click here to register.

October 29: Join LCLAA Central Florida's Trunk or Treat! Learn more here.

October 30: Join LCLAA Long Island's Trunk or Treat! Learn more here.


Take Action

5 Steps to Weather Another COVID Winter 

There are five simple steps you can take to help improve your odds of staying healthy in the coming weeks. 


El Gobierno federal condonará hasta $20,000 en préstamos estudiantiles 

Casi 8 millones de prestatarios podrían tener derecho a recibir ayuda automática. La condonación de deudas se limitará a las personas con ingresos anuales de menos de $125,000 y a las parejas con menos de $250,000 en ingresos. 


Volunteer Programs: Give back back to your community through one of these various volunteer opportunities with AARP. 



LCLAA’s Advocacy, Communications and Policy Internship Program: LCLAA’s Internship Program exposes interns to administrative, communications, research, and legislative advocacy work. Interns have the opportunity to develop leadership skills like political organizing, and writing.  For more information email


Unions Jobs Clearinghouse: A one-stop website for open positions in unions and socially allied organizations and community organizations. Check out opportunities here. 


Apply for Federal Student Loan Debt Relief: The Federal government launched a beta version of its application for Federal Student Loan Debt Relief. Apply here.


Survey Participants Needed! Are you a construction worker interested in discussing health and safety related-issues. Learn more here.


Salud, Amor y Dinero

5 Steps to Weather Another COVID Winter 

There are five simple steps you can take to help improve your odds of staying healthy in the coming weeks. 


El Gobierno federal condonará hasta $20,000 en préstamos estudiantiles 

Casi 8 millones de prestatarios podrían tener derecho a recibir ayuda automática. La condonación de deudas se limitará a las personas con ingresos anuales de menos de $125,000 y a las parejas con menos de $250,000 en ingresos. 


Volunteer Programs 

Give back back to your community through one of these various volunteer opportunities with AARP.


Y Por Si No Lo Has Visto

El Tiempo Latino: Yanira Merino, “La lucha de los inmigrantes es la lucha de los trabajadores.” Lee más aquí.


CNBC: Apple workers in Oklahoma vote for company’s second U.S. union store Read more here. 


El Diario: Forman segundo sindicato de empleados en una tienda Apple de Oklahoma. Lee más aquí.


NBC Philadelphia: After Strike, Philly Art Museum Workers Ratify First Union Contract. Read more here.


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Use the button above to submit news, events, and shout-outs from your area.

The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


LCLAA on Get Out to Vote


LCLAA on voter education week