lclaa on latina equal pay

LCLAA on Latina Equal Pay

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


Latina Equal Pay Day serves as a reminder that Latinas continue to be widely underpaid for their work. In 2021 Latinas were only paid 54 cents for every dollar paid to a White non-Latino man. Meaning, Latinas have to work almost 23 months to earn what their white male counterparts earned in half that time. 


While December 8th will serve as a reminder of this disparity, it is not a reminder for us. For we feel the pay disparity everyday. The Latinas in your life feel it when our employers fail to take us seriously, as we are constantly underestimated by our coworkers, and in the way we are overlooked for promotions. We feel it as we try to support our families. 


Instead, Latina Equal Pay Day is a reminder to all the people that falsely believe that the fight for Latino/a equality has already been accomplished. It is a reminder to all the employers and organizations that view us as an afterthought. 


More than anything, Latina Equal Pay Day is a reminder that unions and collective bargaining continue to be the best tool to bridge the pay gap. If we want to stand for Latinas we must unionize our workplaces and show solidarity to the unionizing efforts taking place across the nation. There is no better way to ensure that we are all paid our worth.


In solidarity, 


Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA

Listen to the Latest!


Learn about the FABRIC Act - which stands for the Fashion Accountability and Building Real Institutional Change, and what it could mean for the Latino community. Hear from the executive director of the Garment Worker Center, an organization that supports Los Angeles garment workers as they transform the fashion industry to eliminate sweatshop labor. List on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.


Chapter Shoutout!


A huge shoutout to our Los Angeles and DC Metro Chapters for their successful events the past few weeks.


Upcoming Events

Find out more information about the LCLAA events here!


December 6: Join LCLAA Chicago Metro and Trabajadoras Fellows for a Latina Equal Pay Day Panel & Action this Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 6 pm at the National Mexican Museum of Art. 


December 8: Join LCLAA Central Florida for their Annual Christmas Toy Drive. 


December 8: Join LCLAA, Justice for Migrant Women, MANA and Equal Pay Today for the 2022 Latina Equal Pay Day Summit in Washington DC


December 10: Join LCLAA Central Florida for their Free Citizenship Clinic. 


December 10: Join LCLAA LA for the Navidad con LCLAA Toy Distribution.


Take Action

Support Starbucks Workers! Join the Starbucks Workers' United nationwide "Stand up to Starbuck's Bullying" rallies. Click here to learn more.


Call your Senators to vote for the Respect for Marriage Act: Call (202) 224-3121 right now to push your Senator to protect same-sex and interracial marriages!



American Federation of Government Employees: AFGE’s Women’s Fair Practices Department is looking for a Secretary in their National Office. Check out opportunities here.


Garment Worker Center: The Los Angeles based advocacy group is hiring organizers, a paralegal, a lead organizer, staff attorneys, and coalition coordinator. Check opportunities here.


Unions Jobs Clearinghouse: A one-stop website for open positions in unions and socially allied organizations and community organizations. Check out opportunities here. 


Salud, Amor y Dinero

Latinos and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Growing Crisis

Read the latest research on getting a diagnosis, coping with caregiving and handling finances - hard realities, heartwarming stories, resources and advice.


Aumentan tarifas del correo por envío de paquetes en la temporada de fiestas El Servicio Postal de Estados Unidos (USPS) aumentará temporalmente las tarifas de los paquetes, del 2 de octubre del 2022 al 22 de enero del 2023.

Volunteer Programs 

Give back back to your community through one of these various volunteer opportunities with AARP.



Y Por Si No Lo Has Visto

NBC News: Latinas can “work until they die” and never recover wage gap losses, expert says. Read more here. 


Enlace Latino NC: Un estudio asegura que las cifras de trabajadores latinos que mueren a causa de accidentes de trabajo es más altas que otros grupos. Lee más aquí.


Mitú: A Latina Caseworker Learned Her Male Coworker Was Making $16K More, This Is What She Did. Read more here. 



The San Diego Union Tribune: Para estos agricultores latinos e indígenas, el futuro de la agricultura pasa por la sostenibilidad y la retribución. Lee más aquí.


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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


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