LCLAA Shows its love for starbucks workers

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


Earlier this week LCLAA launched our nationwide “Show the Love” campaign to show our solidarity with Starbucks workers and to show union-busters the size and the power of our network. More than fifteen chapters took action on our launch day – holding rallies, visiting their local Starbucks, and striking up conversations about the power of the union difference. 


Over the years Starbucks has fired workers, closed unionized stores, and committed unfair labor practices in their attempts to discourage workers across the nation from exercising their right to collectively bargain. They have been determined to maintain their appearance as a progressive company and have tried their hardest to destroy any momentum to unionize and to quiet any backlash. Our campaign shows these workers that they are not alone as they face a corporate giant and that LCLAA is right there behind them. 


I want to thank all of our members, chapters, and allies who have been able to join the campaign in-person at a nearby Starbucks and those who joined in our digital campaign and Twitterstorm. I encourage all of you to maintain our campaign which runs to the end of the month. We must continue to show up and stand up for workers who have stood in solidarity with us in the past. We must remind Howard Schultz that our movement will never back down and that we will never let an organizing campaign be isolated from our labor family. 


Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA


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¡LCLAA presente! More than 15 chapters participated in our nationwide Show the Love campaign in collaboration with Starbucks Workers United!


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El Avance is published by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), the leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families. Since its inception in 1972, LCLAA has remained a grassroots organization driven and directed by Latino labor leaders who understand the importance of unionization in helping workers secure rights and protections on the job, empowering them to become voices for justice and change in their communities. To help us continue our support for workers, please consider donating to LCLAA and becoming a member. Thank you!


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