LCLAA at the Afl-cio convention

LCLAA at the AFL-CIO Convention

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies,


I was honored this week to attend the AFL-CIO’s Convention in Philadelphia. More so, I was honored to be in the room surrounded by so many of my brothers, sisters, and siblings in the labor movement, including our LCLAA board members, members and staff that attended throughout the week.


I am so aware of our call to this fight – the fight for worker’s rights, the fight for immigration rights, the fight for Latina equal pay – but to hear the commitments and the progress of multiple unions, constituency groups, and LCLAA chapters, it only inspires me further. To see greatness amongst our brothers, sisters, and siblings, it only makes me want to rise along with them. It only means that LCLAA has to rise along with them. 


Much of the convention focused on the need of the labor movement to promote diverse workers and voices. However, that is not enough. The labor movement as a whole needs to empower people of color to positions of leadership. For this reason, I want to congratulate Liz Shuler and Fred Redmond on their historic win. Together they are the most diverse leadership to ever be elected at the AFL-CIO and they both are paving the way and opening doors for our communities. I look forward to working alongside the people of color and women that will join the labor movement because of their efforts.


Our efforts at the convention were a success because of our LCLAA familia, all the board members, the members from different chapters, the volunteers from LCLAA Philadelphia, and our national staff. Today is a new day. Time moves forward, and we must move forward, as a familia, together. 


In solidarity, 

Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA


Introducing El Cafecito Podcast


In our first episode, we are celebrating Pride Month, el mes del orgullo LGBT. Every June, the LGBT community comes together to celebrate their achievements. To celebrate, we are sharing this cafecito with Pride At Work, a nonprofit organization that represents LGBTQ union members and their allies. They bring the Labor Movement and the LGBTQ Community together to further social and economic justice!

El Cafecito is now available on Spotify and Podbean!


The Most Important Recent Labor Victory You Never Read About


Earlier this year, a majority of GM's 6400 workers voted to be represented by the Independent Union of Auto Industry (SINTTIA). More recently, on May 10, SINTTIA and GM reached a tentative agreement that includes an 8.5% raise above inflation, senior bonuses, 75% pay during temporary work stages and the right to use the bathroom. Read here to learn more about this historic moment for labor in Mexico.

Proyecto de ley Nueva York apunta al uso de cuotas de productividad de Amazon


Un nuevo proyecto de ley en Nueva York está destinado a reducir las métricas empleadas por Amazon que han sido objeto de escrutinio en los últimos años. Por causa de esas métricas, en el 2021 Amazon fue responsable por 49% de todas las lesiones en la industria. Lee más sobre la ley que apoyaría a trabajadores de Amazon aquí.

No deportation protection. No work permit. On DACA's 10th anniversary, thousands left behind.


As DACA turns 10 today, it's bittersweet for many students who are coming of age without the benefits and protections that their older peers enjoy. They were too young to qualify for the program before the Trump administration moved to end it five years ago and a court ruling limited the government to process DACA renewals, not new applications. In July, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is set to hear oral arguments in the case -- which is likely to reach the Supreme Court -- that will decide whether such an expansive program is lawful. Read more here!


¡Actúa! - Take Action!

Support Immigrant Workers: Across the country we are seeing a rise in unions, in worker organizing and in collective action. With this momentum we must demand the Department of Homeland Security to protect immigrant workers! Click here to sign the petition to support immigrant workers.


Apoya las Trabajadoras del Hogar: Diez estados y dos ciudades importantes han aprobado cartas de derechos o protecciones para las trabajadoras de hogar gracias al liderazgo incansable de la organización de las trabajadoras del hogar. Sin embargo, el reconocimiento federal y la protección integral de esta fuerza laboral se han tardado demasiado. Firma aquí para apoyar La Carta de Derechos de las Trabajadoras del Hogar.


Apoya Inmigrantes Californianos: Por favor, firme esta petición para compartirla con los legisladores de California y el Gobernador Newsom y mostrar su apoyo a la campaña de la Coalición Red de Seguridad para Todos, liderada y apoyada por los trabajadores, para conseguir  beneficios de desempleo para los trabajadores inmigrantes excluidos (AB 2847). Cuando los trabajadores excluidos -nuestros amigos, familias y vecinos- se quedan fuera de la red de seguridad, les estamos negando a ellos y a sus familias el acceso a las necesidades básicas de salud y seguridad. Esto es injusto y no es lo que parece una recuperación equitativa en California. ¡Firme la petición aquí para apoyar a los inmigrantes excluidos!


Eventos - Events

June 23: LCLAA DC Metro is hosting Mixer and Fundraiser to build relationships and support their work in the DMV area. Click here to buy tickets and click here to donate if you are not in the DMV area.


August 6: Oakland Michigan Chapter golf outing. Click here for more information.


Eventos Pasados - Past Events

Our National President, Yanira Merino, was joined by our National Staff and the Los Angeles Chapter President, Xochitl Cobarruvias this week at the 29th AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention.


Salud, Dinero y Amor

Medicare cubre las pruebas de COVID-19 en el hogar
La pandemia aún continúa y las pruebas gratuitas de COVID son más difíciles de encontrar. Conozca cómo Medicare puede cubrir las autopruebas o pruebas caseras de COVID-19.

How to Get Student Loan Forgiveness If You Have A Disability
For years, the process for people with disabilities to apply and receive student loan forgiveness has been riddled with obstacles. Read here to learn about recent reforms and how you can apply if you qualify.

Summer TV Preview: 18 Shows and Movies You Won't Want to Miss
This summer mark your calendars for these 18 top-tier viewings, perfect for summer days and movie nights. Read the list here.


Oportunidades - Opportunities

Advocacy, Communications and Policy Internship Program:LCLAA’s Internship Program is project-oriented and will expose you to administrative, communications, research, and legislative advocacy work in our daily operations. Through this internship, you will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills like political organizing, writing and public speaking, event planning and team management. For more information email 


The AFL-CIO Organizing Institute (OI) announced its training schedule for March through September 2022. The goal of the training is to partner with labor organizations to provide their members and staff organizers with the principles and skills critical to winning respect and dignity at work through organizing a union. Read more here. 


LCLAA Los Angeles Scholarship Fund: The Scholarship competition is open to children and grandchildren of  LCLAA- Los Angeles Chapter active members. One Scholarship, each with a value of $500 if attending Community College, Trade School or Apprenticeship Program. For those attending a four year University $1,000 will be granted. Scholarship is to be made available for use in the freshman year at any accredited college or university in the United States. Or a Trade School or Apprenticeship Program in California. Read more here. 


Opportunities at the National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF):

National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF) in Washington, DC is hiring Program Manager and Program Coordinator -- with experience with nonprofit program planning, management and reports for scholarship, mentoring, pharmacists education and student chapters, and physicians interested in research programs --- bilingual, bicultural preferred. To apply, send resumes and cover letters to


Program Manager, based in Washington, D.C. Read more here

Program Coordinator, based in Washington, D.C. Read more here.


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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


Devastated by the Migrant Truck Tragedy


A Month celebrating diversity