Devastated by the Migrant Truck Tragedy

Devastated by the Migrant Truck Tragedy

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


I was devastated this week to learn of the 53 migrants who tragically died in a tractor-trailer due to extreme heat. They, like many of us and many of our family members, made the difficult decision to risk their lives, to leave their home countries, all to migrate to the United States. 


Their efforts only remind us of how difficult it can be to immigrate to this country. There are so many obstacles that actively seek to push Latino migrants away from the United States. While some may argue that these policies and practices are necessary for safety measures, we all know that they push migrants to take desperate and unsafe measures that can be deadly. 


To prevent similar tragedies from occurring we must work to advocate and push for immigration reform. This is non-negotiable! If the United States continues to go on this path, to increase immigration barriers, it will only force more migrants to take unnecessary risks to come to the United States.


In solidarity, 

Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA


Introducing El Cafecito Podcast


In our latest episode, we share this Cafecito with Saul Gomez, member of the Mexico City based #NiUnRepartidorMenos Collective for Rideshare food delivery drivers. The collective was founded after Jose Manuel Martias, a former Rideshare food delivery driver, was tragically run over by a truck on the job. In his native language, Spanish, Gomez talks about moving towards better working conditions after the incident. Tune in to learn more about what has been done and how you can make a difference.

El Cafecito is now available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Podbean!


Los empleados suspendidos del Hotel Sheraton volvieron a trabajar


El miércoles primero de junio, aproximadamente 60 trabajadores regresaron al hotel, donde realizan tareas de limpieza y mantenimiento, a la espera de que fructifiquen las negociaciones que inició la empresa propietaria del edificio. Los trabajadores expresaron esperanza de que la venta del hotel se pueda concretar. Lee más sobre los empleados del hotel aquí.

1,300 pilotos de Southwest Airlines parados en el aeropuerto de Dallas protestan por salarios inadecuados y sobrecarga laboral


Más de 1,300 pilotos de Southwest Airlines realizaron una protesta en el aeropuerto de Dallas el 21 de junio, para reclamar a la compañía aérea la sobrecarga laboral y falta de personal. La protesta se llevó a cabo en Dallas Love Field cuando Southwest Airlines y el sindicato de pilotos de la aerolínea, han estado en el proceso de negociación de un nuevo contrato durante dos años. Lee más sobre las protestas de los pilotos de Southwest Airlines aquí.

Starbucks Hit With Labor Board Petition for Nationwide Order


Starbucks is accused of allegedly orchestrating union-busting campaigns to delay and/or halt Workers United’s organization efforts. As a result, several court orders have been issued to Starbucks nationwide to prevent further labor law violations. Read more about Starbucks' Union-Busting Campaign here.


¡Actúa! - Take Action!

Tell the AMPTP to recognize the Music Supervisors' Union!: The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) is trying to unionize, but the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) have indicated they will not voluntarily recognize their efforts. Click here to sign the petition.


Support Immigrant Workers: Across the country we are seeing a rise in unions, in worker organizing and in collective action. With this momentum we must demand the Department of Homeland Security to protect immigrant workers! Click here to sign the petition to support immigrant workers.


Apoya las Trabajadoras del Hogar: Diez estados y dos ciudades importantes han aprobado cartas de derechos o protecciones para las trabajadoras de hogar gracias al liderazgo incansable de la organización de las trabajadoras del hogar. Sin embargo, el reconocimiento federal y la protección integral de esta fuerza laboral se han tardado demasiado. Firma aquí para apoyar La Carta de Derechos de las Trabajadoras del Hogar.


Eventos - Events

August 6: Oakland Michigan Chapter golf outing. Click here for more information.


August 19-21: LCLAA St. Louis has a booth at the Festival of the Little Hills. Click here for more information.


September 28: LCLAA’s 50th Anniversary Gala. Click here for more information.


Eventos Pasados - Past Events

LCLAA Pacific Northwest Chapter member and MLK Labor's Diana Perez and board member Rigo Valdez connected refugee and migrant workers to union jobs in King County, WA!


Some of our Trabajadoras fellows, Chicago Metro LCLAA President Jose Alcala, and member Jesse Rios represented LCLAA at the AFT and White House's Educational Summit at Malcom X College!


Salud, Dinero y Amor

8 Things Medicare Doesn’t Cover
When considering health care plans it’s important to consider what each plan can cover. To see if Medicare is the right plan for you, read below and learn eight services not included in Medicare.

Get Your Finances Back on Track with an Action Plan
No matter your age or situation, unplanned expenses and debt can be difficult to manage. With a few simple steps, AARP Money Map tools provide a clear plan of action and free resources to help you get started.

Create the Good

Search opportunities from AARP and other organizations to volunteer in your community!


Oportunidades - Opportunities

Advocacy, Communications and Policy Internship Program:LCLAA’s Internship Program is project-oriented and will expose you to administrative, communications, research, and legislative advocacy work in our daily operations. Through this internship, you will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills like political organizing, writing and public speaking, event planning and team management. For more information email 


The AFL-CIO Organizing Institute (OI) announced its training schedule for March through September 2022. The goal of the training is to partner with labor organizations to provide their members and staff organizers with the principles and skills critical to winning respect and dignity at work through organizing a union. Read more here. 


LCLAA Los Angeles Scholarship Fund: The Scholarship competition is open to children and grandchildren of  LCLAA- Los Angeles Chapter active members. One Scholarship, each with a value of $500 if attending Community College, Trade School or Apprenticeship Program. For those attending a four year University $1,000 will be granted. Scholarship is to be made available for use in the freshman year at any accredited college or university in the United States. Or a Trade School or Apprenticeship Program in California. Read more here. 


Opportunities at the Solidarity Center:

The Solidarity Center is the largest U.S. based international worker rights organization partnering directly with workers and their unions. The organization is driven to empower workers to raise their voice for dignity on the job, justice in their communities and greater equality in the global community.


Senior Organizing Specialist for Mexico (2 roles), based in Mexico City. Apply here.

Senior Policy Specialist for Mexico, based in Mexico City. Apply here.


Senior Program Officer for Grassroots Internationalism, based in Washington, DC. Apply here.


Opportunities at the National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF): 

National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF) in Washington, DC is hiring Program Manager and Program Coordinator -- with experience with nonprofit program planning, management and reports for scholarship, mentoring, pharmacists education and student chapters, and physicians interested in research programs --- bilingual, bicultural preferred. To apply, send resumes and cover letters to


Program Manager, based in Washington, D.C. Read more here

Program Coordinator, based in Washington, D.C. Read more here.


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The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


DACA in its Tenth Year


LCLAA at the Afl-cio convention