A Crucial Period Begins
Queridos hermanos y hermanas,
As we reach the halfway point of this year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on our journey and the path ahead.
This May, we proudly celebrated both Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. We are proud of the Latino-Asian Heritage among us. Our diverse cultures and histories enrich society and the labor movement, making us stronger and more united in our fight for justice and equality.
As Latino and Asian workers, our contributions are vital to strengthening our communities and the nation as a whole. We have made significant strides in securing human rights and women’s rights, but these achievements are constantly under threat.
The upcoming November elections are crucial. It is imperative that we all engage in the civic process to protect the progress we’ve made and to push for further advancements.
Civic participation is not just a right; it is our responsibility. Voting is a powerful tool to ensure our voices are heard and our rights are safeguarded. The threats against our hard-won rights are real, but together, we can stand strong and continue to push for a society that values justice, equality, and dignity for all.
Let’s come together, stay informed, and encourage our friends, families, and colleagues to participate in the upcoming elections. Our unity and solidarity will make a difference.
In Solidarity,
Evelyn DeJesus
LCLAA National President
Join us on our latest episode of El Cafecito del Día, en el que conversamos con Martha Gabriel, trabajadora agrícola de la organización We Count, sobre los riesgos que enfrentan los trabajadores durante la época de calor. Además, hablamos sobre cómo las leyes anti-inmigrante aprobadas en Florida, por el Gobernador Ron De Santis y que dan prioridad a las ganancias de las empresas afectan a estos trabajadores. Spotify, Apple Podcast and More!
Community Food Distribution
Join LCLAA Los Angeles Chapter for the Community Food Distribution in Slauson Ave. Maywood, CA. Come and help us to support our brothers and sisters in need. Volunteers are welcome to come at 8:30 am PT.
Teach Truth Iniciative
The Teach Truth initiative urgently advocates for supporting an education that prioritizes honesty and inclusivity, ensuring students receive the quality learning they deserve. The future of our children hinges on the knowledge they acquire today. We invite educators, students, parents, and community members to host an information table or event to defend the right to #TeachTruth Learn more here and sign up: https://loom.ly/TbrcizI
Central Regional LCLAA Fundraiser
LCLAA National Team, Central Regional members y toda la familia LCLAA thanks everyone who joined our Central Regional fundraiser last week in Houston, Texas. We shared a Tacos and Tequila Night danced, celebrated, and committed to continue supporting our the work for the Latino community.
Executive Board and Chapter Presidents Meetings
LCLAA's Executive Board and Chapter Presidents convened in Houston, Texas, to advance our strategic plans and actions for the upcoming months and to ensure the progress and collaborations ahead.
LCLAA National President Delivered a Powerful Speech at the CBTU 53rd International Convention
Last week, LCLAA National and local chapter members participated in the CBTU 53rd International Convention in Houston, Texas. LCLAA's National President, Evelyn DeJesus delivered a powerful speech about the importance of defending worker's rights, civic participation, and unity among Latino, Brown, and Afro-American workers.
Bloomberg Línea- Interview with José Vargas, LCLAA's Executive Director: "Cómo corregir la desigualdad de ingresos en los trabajadores Latinos en Estados Unidos".
En Estados Unidos se requiere abordar barreras sistemáticas como la discriminación, el acceso limitado a la educación y la falta de representación en la toma de desiciones para mitigar la disparidad de ingresos de los Latinos en el país, dijo a Bloomberg en Línea el Director Ejecutivo del Consejo Laboral para el Avance del Trabajador Latinoamericano (LCLAA por sus siglas en inglés). Read article here.
LCLAA | Full Time, Bilingual Community and Labor Organizer: to work in the intersectional campaign aimed at empowering immigrant workers in the Hyundai/Kia supply chain in Alabama and Georgia. To learn more about the position click here. All candidates must submit a cover letter, resume, three professional references and a writing sample. Please send materials to Jose Vargas, Executive Director at headquarters@lclaa.org. The deadline to apply is June 30th, 2024.
LCLAA | Advocacy, Communications and Policy Internship Program: LCLAA’s Internship Program exposes interns to administrative, communications, research, and legislative advocacy work. For more information email kpineda@lclaa.org. The deadline to apply for the fall quarter is July 30th, 2024.
El Avance is published by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), the leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families. Since its inception in 1972, LCLAA has remained a grassroots organization driven and directed by Latino labor leaders who understand the importance of unionization in helping workers secure rights and protections on the job, empowering them to become voices for justice and change in their communities. To help us continue our support for workers, please consider donating to LCLAA and becoming a member. Thank you!