LCLAA on voter education week

LCLAA on Voter Education Week

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies, 


Since LCLAA’s founding, part of our mission has always been to educate, organize and mobilize Latino/as in the political process.  For five decades, we have been determined to make all our members prepared to use their voice by going to the polls. 


We have the power to make a difference in our communities, in our hometowns, and in our country. We can make our voices heard by supporting candidates that look out for us - for the Latino workers that have fed our country, that have built our homes and places of work, and that have overcome incredible obstacles to improve our working conditions. 


This Voter Education Week, I ask you all - do you have a plan to vote this November? Do you know where your polling location is? Do you know if you will have to vote before or after your workday? Do you know if you will have to vote by mail? 


Our states vary widely in their voting rules and policies. I urge you all, if you do not know yet how you are voting for the upcoming Midterms, use this link to create a plan to vote this November. Our voice is only powerful if we choose to use it. I call on each of you to join our pledge and commit to vote in this critical election. 


In solidarity, 

Yanira Merino 


National President of LCLAA



Donate to LCLAA's Hurricane Relief Efforts!


We are devastated by the destruction and loss caused by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. We are asking our members to donate to LCLAA to support our hurricane relief efforts. Make your donation here! Hear from our fellow brothers and sisters at the Federación De Trabajadores, AFL-CIO in Puerto Rico, and learn about the impact of Hurricane Fiona here.


Listen to the Latest!


Did you know that undocumented folks can benefit from the higher wages, benefits, and protections that come with a union contract? In this episode, we interview AFL-CIO Immigration and Labor specialist and break down deferred action and other legal protections granted to undocumented folks that speak out against unfair working conditions! El Cafecito is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Podbean!


Chapter Shoutout!


We congratulate LCLAA Los Angeles on their Si Se Puede Awards Ceremony this past September!


Upcoming Events

October 7: NYC LCLAA’s  2022 Labor Celebration and Dinner Dance. Click here for more information.

October 8: Join LCLAA Central Florida at a Free Citizenship Clinic. Click here for more information.

October 14: Join LCLAA Pittsburgh at ¡Que Viva Clemente! Click here to buy tickets.

October 21: Join LCLAA PNW for their Dia de los Muertos Celebration! Click here to register.

October 27: LCLAA San Antonio Membership Mixer! Click here to register.


Take Action

Sign LCLAA’s Pledge to Vote. We all have the power to make a difference. Voting in our local, state, and national elections can have an immediate impact in our communities. Click here to sign the pledge. 


Comprométase a votar en las elecciones. Todos tenemos el poder de hacer una diferencia. Votar en las elecciones locales, estatales y nacionales puede tener un impacto inmediato en nuestras comunidades. Haga clic aquí para comprometerse. 


Donate to support DC area Starbucks Workers’ Right to Unionize! Starbucks employees across the country have time and time again been denied the ability to unionize for better working conditions. Click here to donate.



LCLAA’s Advocacy, Communications and Policy Internship Program: LCLAA’s Internship Program exposes interns to administrative, communications, research, and legislative advocacy work. Interns have the opportunity to develop leadership skills like political organizing, and writing.  For more information email


Unions Jobs Clearinghouse: A one-stop website for open positions in unions and socially allied organizations and community organizations. Check out opportunities here. 


PSLF Waiver Offers Way to Get Closer to Loan Forgiveness: For a limited time, Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) borrowers may receive credit for past periods of repayment that would otherwise not qualify for PSLF. Read more here.


Salud, Amor y Dinero

4 Surprising Benefits of the Flu Shot

There are multiple reasons beyond not getting sick to roll up your sleeve for a flu vaccine this fall. Read here to learn more of the benefits


¿Te preocupa la inflación? Qué deben hacer las personas que ahorran para la jubilación

La inflación reduce el valor de los ahorros cada año. Lee este artículo para aprender a navegar por esta situación.


Volunteer Programs 

Give back back to your community through one of these various volunteer opportunities with AARP.


Y Por Si No Lo Has Visto

La Política Online: "Queremos solidificar el poder que tiene el electorado latino." Lee más aquí. 


CBS News: Amazon Labor Union says 50 workers suspended for refusing to work in "unsafe" Staten Island warehouse after fire. Read more here.


El Tiempo Latino: Trabajadores Latinos tambien protagonizan el movimiento sindical en EEUU. Lee más aquí.


Reuters: Exxon Refinery lockout ‘unlawful,’ backpay sought by U.S. Labor Board. Read more here.


Download the LCLAA App

Use the buttons below or the QR code to download the LCLAA app and get our latest news delivered to your phone on a daily basis.



Use the button above to submit news, events, and shout-outs from your area.

The Labor Council
for Latin American Advancement

 815 Black Lives Matter Plz NW

Washington DC, 20006


LCLAA urges you to vote


honoring our history and heritage