Extending Gratitude, Solidarity and Empathy to our Veterans

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies,


Memorial day is a solemn day to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and have lost their lives in service to our country. Here at LCLAA, we understand the deep roots and connections veterans have in the labor movement. We honor and extend our solidarity to them as they have fought for the principles of equality, justice, and fairness that unions strive.


Many veterans, unfortunately, still continue to face challenges upon returning from service, including a lack of access to quality health care and good jobs. It is crucial to address these challenges and ensure that veterans receive the support and opportunities they deserve. 


While Memorial Day is a time for remembrance and gratitude, it can also be a challenging day for many. Our movement and our community can extend our gratitude, along with our empathy, to all our veterans, including those who may be struggling with substance abuse or with their mental health. In this vein, we have chosen to share substance abuse and mental health resources below.


By acknowledging the challenges that veterans face and offering assistance, unions can contribute to creating a supportive environment that addresses the holistic well-being of Latino/a veterans and all veterans alike. 


In solidarity, 


Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA 


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Resources for Veterans


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Por Si No Lo Has Visto





El Avance is published by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), the leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families. Since its inception in 1972, LCLAA has remained a grassroots organization driven and directed by Latino labor leaders who understand the importance of unionization in helping workers secure rights and protections on the job, empowering them to become voices for justice and change in their communities. To help us continue our support for workers, please consider donating to LCLAA and becoming a member. Thank you!


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