New Immigration Proposals Endanger Latino Safety and Livelihoods

Dear LCLAA Members and Allies,


Later today, the House will vote on Secure the Border Act of 2023 (H.R. 2). This bill is highly concerning as it could jeopardize the safety and well-being of many Latinos/as. If passed, the bill would leave many families without a place to seek refuge and could lead to a significant increase in deportations. Several of the measures in the bill would also make it even more challenging for asylum seekers and parolees to obtain authorization to work in the United States. 


While this bill has been presented as a means to enhance national security, it is critical to recognize that it, like many immigration bills in the past, raises fundamental questions about who deserves protection and safety, and who this country values. Sadly, many of these policies are rooted in the misguided belief that immigrants and Latinos/as do not fall in these categories. 


LCLAA is committed to finding ways to create sustainable and humane immigration reform that will prioritize human dignity and respect for all. We cannot allow our country to abandon its people in the name of a false promise. LCLAA will continue to advocate for policies that reflect our nation's values of fairness and equality, and we call on our elected officials to do the same. We urge our Members of Congress to take in consideration our community as they vote on H.R. 2, and for our Senators to prevent this bill from becoming law. Let us remember that we are a nation of immigrants, and we must always strive to uphold the values that make our country great. 


In solidarity, 


Yanira Merino 

National President of LCLAA 


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El Avance is published by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), the leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families. Since its inception in 1972, LCLAA has remained a grassroots organization driven and directed by Latino labor leaders who understand the importance of unionization in helping workers secure rights and protections on the job, empowering them to become voices for justice and change in their communities. To help us continue our support for workers, please consider donating to LCLAA and becoming a member. Thank you!


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